What lies between the covers of books?
I don’t read all too often, as usually during the school term I do not have time due to the workload. However, when I do pick up a book I tend to go for more captivating thriller/horror kinds of books. Ones with a great narrative are truly page turners as I’m enthralled by the story as I inch towards the conclusion. I think reading is a great form of learning, as you can extract details and techniques used by an accomplished author to improve your own writing. It gives u insight on what makes a story great. I agree that reading is important. It hones your writing skills and guides you in a way few other things can, writing wise. It especially expands your vocabulary as you are introduced to new words that you would’ve otherwise never heard of.
Dylan Thomas’ poem “Notes on the Art of Poetry” portrays the many genres and varieties of pieces of writing. In its short ten lines, it manages to explain how books can be filled with anything and everything, ranging from “delight and glory” to “oddity and light”. It perfectly captures his love and respect towards books and reading. While I did mention that there is no time to read, that isn’t because it is impossible to make time at all. It tends to mean that there are more appealing things to do after a long day at school, or hours of studying.
“I deleted all my social media apps because they were turning me into an idiot.”
This article talks about how people, including themselves, use social media as an escape to real life problems instead of solving them. It explains how people crave something, as in something happening that they can view from the easy grasp of a mobile phone or computer. They go on to explain that this was a terrible cycle that led to an addiction. After deleting their apps, they felt a sense of freedom, but also felt more overcome with their emotions due to nothing being able to distract them. While social media can be a problem, stopping younger people especially from reading (and many other things, but we are focusing on reading), I don’t believe that deleting social media is the right solution. While addictions can spiral out of control, there are many ways to prevent them. Such as setting yourself restrictions. Not removing social media entirely.
I haven’t been able to read at all throughout this year, as the workload is a bit higher this year, and due to Covid we were not able to adapt very well last year.
Some books that I liked:
“It” by Stephen King
This book was an amazing and terrifying story that kept me captivated throughout the entire narrative.
“Carrie” by Stephen King
Another great thrilling book from Stephen King.